Monday, June 27, 2022

Monday on the Mountain... June 27

Quiet Time...

"“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; 
it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”"
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Thought I'd share...
Sadie Grace!
She is gorgeous!!!
She was in another pageant Saturday...
2nd Runner Up...

Dad was up...

Got him settled in with a couple Sausage Biscuits 
and then settled myself in with my pack...

Made the bed, fed the fur kids and headed out...

Gabby's egg...

All that noise last night and I only get 1/4"?
I am hoping it's not level and there was actually more!

Well, Lanny is heading down to the church.
The bus will pull out at 9...

Paula was watering our fire pit pumpkin/squash/whatever plants...
They are growing better than the "on purpose" garden :-)

AND!!! one of the turtles is digging....
it appears that she will be laying some eggs soon!

The "only child" bluebird is doing well...

Sadie getting ready to get on the bus...
she is excited... her best church friend is going this year!

The birds come running' EVERY time I come out the gate...
I can't "always" have a treat, but I try to at least 75% of the time :-)

Coconut's pink egg...

Getting set up to make kraut...

We had 5 huge cabbage heads to process...

Chopping and Salting and Massaging...

We are using a food grade 5 gallon bucket...
it is working great! Easy to work the salt into the cabbage...

In less than an hour the brine was over the top...
ready to cover and let it do it's thing!

Coconut's tan egg...

Made BLT's for lunch...
I bought a nice tomato at the Farmer's Market on Saturday...
wish it had been from MY garden...
I don't think I'll have any this year :-(

Willow and one of the Pearl Whites!

For supper we had some left over Burritos, left over Mexican Pizza 
and left over Mexican Ramen... Waste not, want not :-)

I picked up the puppy land mines.... 
put the chicken feeders away...
gave the birds some clean, cool water...

I miss my Honey!

I started watching the new Series Picard last night...
it's pretty good, so far... I may have to jump back into Star Trek...'s an option :-)

Lanny and Sadie are safe and sound in Campbellsville... 
they will be busy non stop for the next three and a half days!! 
Say a prayer for their safety, and most of all that they get a special blessing... 
God is usually VERY present at Centri-Kid Camp!!!

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God bless you real good!
And Sweet Dreams!

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