Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday on the Farm... September 23

Quiet Time...

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, 
unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:4‬ ‭ESV‬‬


I have managed to keep Mom IN the bed so she buzzed me around 3 this morning to go to the bathroom... I am usually awake at that time anyway 
so it wasn't too disruptive :-)

Daddy was up...

Their favorite spots...
Murphy on the right under his blanket

and Maggie on the left...
And Mitzi waiting for her Daddy...

Lanny came in a little later...

Max was in HIS usual spot as well...
on the bed...

He didn't like it when I turned on the light :-)

Bread Day...

Ready for first rise...

Also Sparkley Day...

Out to the chickens and ducks...

Penny egg...

Hard at work...
They are little doorbells on their charger station :-)

And Max supervising...

First rise is great!

Ready for second rise...

The house smells SO GOOD!!

My lunch...
I LOVE the heels and cut them all off just as they are cooled enough...
Slathered with butter...

Lanny is hauling more chips, 
grass clipping and horse manure back to the garden...

My nearly naked Willow...

Sugar egg...

Ham Sandwiches for lunch...

Mom is better but still SO weak and a bit confused...
I need to keep her IN the bed unless I am there to help her up...
Pray for that!!!
She can figure out how to get out of that railing if she really wants to!

Then, after lunch, nap time...

More Manure...

For Supper I made Breaded Chicken Breasts, 
our Home Canned Green Beans and Potatoes, 
some Yams just for color, and Fried Masa Cakes...
Pudding for Dessert...

And for your viewing pleasure...

Last Nights Homecoming Court at Oliver Springs Middle...

Sadie Grace!

Last night we watched Transformers 1...
tonight we will watch number 2...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

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