Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday on the Mountain ... December 12

Quiet Time...

“so shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, 
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, 
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Had all the puppies by me last night 
waiting for the movie to start :-)

Mom slept thru the night again...
Dad woke up around 4:30
 and Mom buzzed around that time as well... I took care of both of them (Dad had Breakfast Taquitos this morning)
and then headed for the couch...

With my Bible Study Pack...

5:45 Microgreen Appointment :-)
These cabbage greens are ready to come out of black out 
and into the light...

These are ready to go from 3 days under weights
 to black out for a couple days...

And these are due for a haircut!!

Mitzi on "her" futon...

Max waiting for me to carry him into the living room...

Made the bed and fed the fur kids
and jumped right into bread making...

While the bread was mixing I started the Banana Bread...

Making small loaves for Christmas bags...

Dough is ready for a little kneading...

And then into a warm oven 
for first rise...

I save up overripe bananas in the freezer 
and then when I have enough I make Banana Bread...
I wanted three batches today...

Making messes, as usual...
I feel like I am ALWAYS washing dishes :-)

Baby Banana Bread loaves...

The dogs are busy too...

Headed out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Blossom and Violet are NOT using their litter box...

Thumper has hit it a couple times at least :-)

First rise is NICE!!!
Ready to shape into 4 loaves...

...and into the oven for second rise...

Batch 2 of the baby loaves is out of the oven...

Harvesting the Microgreens...

One egg so far today...

24 Loaves for Christmas bags...
I will put these in the freezer and take them out right before I give them away.
Freezing cakes, etc. actually makes them even better... soft and moist.
I am NOT kidding!
Try it if you don't already do it.

Breads' DONE!!
Smells so good!

I always test the loaves to make sure they are edible :-)
Yep, DELISH!!!

Sparkley was a little late this morning...
I have been REALLY busy!!

Paula had her second eye surgery this morning...
now she will be able to go without glasses.
She had some very annoying cataracts!

I scooped and turned the flakes in the coop...

Lanny is working so hard on the wood stove...
it won't be long before I can start cooking on that baby!

They chicken want in that gate SO bad.
I've had to run Big Too out several times.
He can hop that fence!
So far the dogs haven't seen him back there.
I am not sure what will happen when they do.
I don't know who will get hurt: Roo or the dogs!

The Barn Green House is coming along...

Horseradish and carrots...

We had ham sandwiches for lunch 
and then Lanny went right back to the wood stove...

Mom's Physical Therapy Day...

We had Barbecued Pork Sandwiches, Chips and Salad...

Mom joined us at the table tonight...

Lanny changed the oil in the Harvest Right Pump.
I'll be back in business tomorrow!

Chores are done...
I'm ready to call it a day
and settle into the night...

Tonight we will watch a really old Scrooge...
1935 with Seymour Hicks...

God bless us, Every One....

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