Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... January 10

Quiet Time...

"...whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, 
to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, 
through the forbearance of God;" 

Romans 3:25 KJV 

Mom buzzed me around midnight and then again at 3... 
not enough time to go back to bed so I just stayed up... 
Dad was up and I fixed him some Breakfast Taquitos...

Murph and Maggie as usual...

And Mitzi at the end...

Lanny came in around 4:45...

The reusable medium is working great!!

Lots of rooting...

Fermenting the chicken feed... the first batch will be ready to feed today 
and then each day I feed one and start another... three day ferments...

Out to the flock and fluffed...

Morning moon...

Well, they like the sour mash...
that is what the old folks used to call it...
fermented feed :-)

Started a new tray today...
Broccoli and Cabbage Mix...

This one is ready to harvest...

I give this to the chickens...

They eat what they want and then spread it all over the garden...

It's Tuesday so Lanny and I are fasting til supper...
Made Dad some Pancakes and Sausage.
He is feeling a lot better today...

Morning egg...

My Mung Bean Sprouts are ready 
so tonight I will make Stir-Fry...

Max likes these pictures...

Especially the one that looks like Mitzi...

Actually, I am scolding him because he would really LOVE to climb 
over the top and get behind it...
He would turn it over if he does...

Celery out of the Freeze Dryer.
My house smells like fresh celery...
it really is quite nice!

Dad ate some Summer Sausage and Saltines for lunch in his room...
His breakfast was still with him :-)

Packaged the Celery in Milar...

Lanny and I took a little cat nap...

My Doggy socks that Molly and Rob gave me for Christmas :-)

Max joined us for this cat nap...

Three more eggs...
four total today...

They have been eating on the fermented feed all day...
Nearly all gone... PERFECT!!!

We had Stir Fried Rice, Oriental Noodles and Microgreen Salad 
with homemade Sesame Garlic Dressing... YUM!!

Chores are done...
I am in my jammies and Lanny is in the shower.

Tonight we will continue with Lord of the Rings...
didn't make it thru the first one last night :-)

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, 
waiting to be written.” 
– Melody Beattie

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