Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... January 3

Quiet Time...

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths." 
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Mom buzzed me around 11:30...
Then at 1:30 it went off and it was Dad...

He was having difficulty breathing and wanted to call an ambulance. 
He has a slight cold and with COPD a cold is very uncomfortable... 
I did call an ambulance (he insisted) but they didn't take him. 
His blood pressure is perfect and oxygen level is 96%. 
They gave him an Albuterol treatment with the nebulizer and left. 
By then it was nearly 4 and he was ready for coffee and a Burrito :-) 
I just wanted some sleep! 
Didn't get a wake up clock pic... totally forgot!
But Lanny and I did get settled down around 4:15 for Bible Study...

Microgreens at 5:45...

Flock and Fluffle...

Lanny and I are detox fasting today (Tuesdays) 
so I made Dad a couple Pancakes on a Stick...

He is still coughing but says he feels a LOT better.
I have given him a couple nebulizer treatments today so far 
and the EMT said I could do it as often as he needs it. 
But so far it has been 3 or 4 hours between...

Then Lanny and I rested for a little while on the couch...
he has a bit of a cold as well...
...then he went down the hill to the bank...

I made Dad a Fried Baloney Sandwich for lunch...

Most of the chickens don't like heavy rain so they congregate in the coop...
the ducks, however, LOVE the rain!

For Supper:
Made Open Faced Barbecue Pork Sandwiches 
(with homemade BBQ sauce),
chips and Microgreen Salad...

Too wet to go out and pick up puppy landmines..
So they will just have to wash away :-)

We will watch the third Narnia tonight...
Dawn Treader...
Dad is still coughing a LOT, but it is loose and that is a good thing.
The nebulized albuterol should keep it moving...
Keep him in your prayers, please.

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

“The first step towards getting somewhere 
is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” 
—J.P. Morgan

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