Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... February 17

Quiet Time...

"This I say then, walk in the Spirit, 
and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." 
Galatians 5:16 KJV
Mom buzzed twice...
The last time at 3 so I didn't go back to sleep,
but I did lay there and relax 'til 3:45...
Dad didn't get up until about 5...

Only 3 days in the light!

2 days in Black Out...

2 days germination...

One day in Black Out...

All is well!!

Flock and Fluffle Time...

it POURED the rain, all night!

Duck egg in the middle of the coop floor...

And Penny's egg buried in one of the floor nests.

And a blue/green night egg...

Ducks do not care how cold it is!

Sparkley Day...

Not a lot of berries but they like to run for them...

All the other hens were foraging elsewhere 

so I was real quiet and Opal and Coppertina got the berries :-)

Took the Yuk Chuk out to the garden...


It is amazing how much better I feel going out there 

without carrying a stick and keeping that rooster in my sights...

This is my little sick girl... she was really sick for a couple days

 but she seems to be getting around more and eating...

Cleaned the hutches...

Made Chicken Sandwiches for lunch...

They are starting to hang around together...

they realize they are all ducks :-)

Planted another Microgreen Tray...

Four eggs later in the day...

Makes the total 7 for today!

Made some little pizza's using jumbo flaky biscuits 

torn apart and filled with pizza stuff, 

topped with the other half of the biscuit and baked. 

Turned out pretty good!

Chores are done...

it's cold and wet and we are ready to watch the next Star Trek...

Undiscovered Country...

Goodnight Y'all...

God bless and sweet dreams!

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 Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ♥️ “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” ‭‭Galatians...