Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... February 18

Quiet Time...

"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, 
so panteth my soul after thee, O God." 
Psalm 42:1 KJV
I love that verse... not that my soul always pants for God... 
but I know that it should... I know that He deserves that kind of devotion from me, because He is that amazing and that worthy... 
He is my God and Savior and I am learning more as I grow older just how awesome and amazing He really is... 
my prayer is that my soul learns to desire His company, 
fellowship with Him, more and more every day...
Mom buzzed twice...
Dad slept til around 5 again....
Made him a couple Sausage Biscuits
when he got up...

Nine Day's growth...

Into the light....

4 Days... I will put these into Black Out tomorrow...

No signs in yesterdays tray...

Babies in the regular lettuce...

Flock and Fluffle....
Oooooooo it's cold!

But not to ducks :-)

Anonymous duck :-)

And Penny...

Made the Men some Biscuits and Gravy and Bacon...

Mom ate Toast and Gravy and Bacon...
she likes toast better than biscuits :-)_
me too!

Bread Day...

For Lunch...
Tuna, Cheese, Vienna Sausage and Saltine Crackers...

Just a quick rest because my InstaCart order was coming...
I haven't been into a store in ages...
all online or InstaCart!

Four loaves smelling up the house :-)

Sunning in the Sandbox...

Wow, five in here...

Two in here!

I will start taking a basket out with me...
Nine eggs for today!

Paula and Shelly are clearing out some more pasture for the horses...
we have SO much room but it is expensive to fence, 
so little by little...

An Ad Lib Ramen dish for supper...
Ramen, Chicken, Mixed Veggies and extra Corn...
ANYTHING with Ramen is good...

Lanny and I ran down the hill to get the mail...
the ladies are just heading up for the day...
Hard working women, that's for sure!!!

Yes, that's golf balls...
Lanny hits over the creek from up here into the pasture...

Down the driveway...

And back up...

Still gathering tools...

Chores are done...
Ready for the evening...
The next Star Trek for us...
number 6, The Final Frontier...
not one of the best, but we are Trekkies :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

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 Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ♥️ “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” ‭‭Galatians...