Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain / February 20

Quiet Time...

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: 
be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." 
Matthew 10:16 KJV 
Mom slept thru the night...
buzzed me around 3:50...
Dad was up...
Two Sausage Biscuits :-)

Pack Study Time...

Mimi Sandwich!
They get CLOSE!

These will need to come OUT of Black out tomorrow...

Great 2 day germination!

Counting the minutes til Breakfast :-)

Flock and Fluffle Time...

Listen to the frogs!!!
Spring is right around the corner!!!

I don't think these ladies had ever been in a pond!
They LOVE it!


Anonymous Duck :-)

Bell Pepper, Onion and Bacon Omelet 
and Toast for the men...

King Sheets folding day...

Harvesting some Microgreens...

Spent tray goes to the chickies...

Grilled Cheese for lunch...
Sadie Grace spent the day with us...
She is such a treasure!

Sleeping ducks...
Gabby is by the big pot...

Sadie is drawing...
She is quite talented...

Maggie is stressed out :-)

Egg check...

Lanny roaming around in the MULE!!!

We had a total of 10 eggs today!!!!

Panko Breaded Chicken Breast, 
Home Canned Green Beans and Potatoes, 
Yams... YUM!!!

Chores are done...
Kitchen is clean...
Puppy Piles are picked up....
Chicken feed is stored away...

Time for Jammies
and the next Star Trek...
"Into Darkness"

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you ALL...
Sweet Dreams!

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