Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... February 2

Quiet Time...

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 
knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience." 
James 1:2-3 KJV
Mom buzzed a couple time last night...
I like those nights she sleeps thru but it is what it is :-)
Dad was up...
I made him a Breakfast Burrito...

Quiet Time with my Fur Kids and Lanny joined us soon after...

Max decided he wanted to join in as well...

This is the second day in Black Out and these little sprouts cannot wait to get out into the light... another day in the dark and then they can come out. The longer they are in the dark the taller they grow trying to "find" the light :-)

Good roots...

Day three sprouts...

And these are the lettuce seeds I started day before yesterday already sprouting!!
Tiny, so look closely!

Mini greenhouses...

Out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Sprinkling rain so they didn't ALL want to come out :-)

Penny egg...
I think she gets excited when it's time to open the door and forgets that she is laying an egg...

Made the men A Bacon, Cheese, Pepper and Onion Omelet and Home Made Cinnamon Rolls for 8 o'clock Breakfast...

Took some Roots and Stems out to the Chickies...
these were the lettuce plants I grew inside for salads...
they were played out for us but perfect for the birds!

Planted another try of Salad Mix...

I will harvest the other half today because I have an order!!
I like to cut when needed so the "customer" has the freshest greens possible!!!

Lanny warming up his shop to continue working on the awnings...

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for Lunch...

Mom and her audience...

Gave the chickens some scratch ...

...but they are so mean to Opal 
that I sneak her a little pile of her own...

Mom's therapist taking her for a walk...

Lanny is working on the awning and going in and out the garden shop door so they think he has something for them every time he does...

Three more eggs...
makes 4 today with Penny's...

So Lanny cooked tonight!!!
He brought home Chinese!!

I always overeat Chinese!!!

So, the chores are done...
kitchen is clean...

We watched Men in Black last night (I love it)
so tonight is Men in Black 2...

Remember to check out the 
Sweet Treats and Microgreens 
we now have for sale!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!!!

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