Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... March 31

Quiet Time...

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, 
but have everlasting life." 
John 3:16 KJV
I guess I will just play it by ear... 
if I need to sleep later I will...
otherwise it is what it is :-)

This tray is ready for light!

This one needs another day under weights...

I am impatient... it's only been two days
since I planted the tomatoes 

but I SO want to see some babies popping up!!

Bread Day...

this is for us...

we go thru LOTS of bread.

The men eat toast nearly every morning 

and sandwiches for lunch most of the time...

Paula gets a loaf and Robbie gets a loaf...

it goes fast!

Flock and Fluffle...

maybe some Fins :-)

Dad wasn't awake at 8 so I made Gravy and Biscuits...

That way Lanny could eat now...

And with a little warm up,

Dad could eat later :-)

Bread's done!

I love Woodpeckers...

We have some Red Heads and some Downey...

haven't seen any Pileated but you can sure hear them!

We are draining the duck pond for the spring clean up...

The chicks and ducks love the mucky water runoff...

Two in the same box again...

Clean and ready to fill up...

they cannot wait!!

Sparkley Time...
a little late in the day but I've been so busy!

Penelope digging a deep hole in the coop floor...

Almost full...

they are SO excited!

Popcorn Shrimp, Mixed Veggies and Yams...

Weird, I know, but we like 'em!

A nurse came today to bathe Mom 
and she was totally unresponsive and didn't 
even acknowledge pain (as she usually does)... 
I cannot get her to drink or eat today... 
I keep trying and hope she gets a little water down... 
Continue to lift her up... God is so good 
and she is not having pain...
We watched RED last night (Bruce Willis)... 
tonight will be RED 2...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
We love you ALL!!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... March 30

Quiet Time...

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, 
and doeth it not, to him it is sin." 
James 4:17 KJV
Last night while we were watching our movie...

Sill cannot make it to 4:15...

I will keep trying :-)

The whole gang...

I am getting some more lights today 

for the top shelf and to add to the outside greenhouse...

... I will start the garden plants in here 

and then when ready to transplant 

will move them out to the barn greenhouse...

Flock and Fluffle Time...

Lanny got an early start on the playground...

Testing for sturdiness...

the goats only weigh, at most, 50 pounds or so 

but he wants to be sure!

Two in one...

And more waiting...

I don't know why we have more than one nest!

I warmed up the left over pizza for our lunch...

Dominos Extravaganza is just as good the next day!!

I was actually pretty busy today but didn't get a lot of pictures...

I took the bottom vinyl out of the rabbit hutches 

so the bottom is wire and the potty will fall thru.

But I will keep a very good layer of hay on it 

because I don't want my bunnies walking on bare wire 

all the time :-)

I also did some prep work in the garden 

and started a few more plants as well as a Microgreen tray...

Made Kielbasa, Home canned Kraut, 
Home Canned Potatoes and Carrots,
and Biscuits for Supper...

Then Daddy went out to sit in the sun for awhile.
It is a beautiful evening!

Lanny went out to mow a little.
He LOVES to mow!!
I will finish up this post and put my Jammies on.
Mom was having some pain 
so I gave her a little pain medicine 
so she should be comfortable for the evening. 
I keep an eye on her with the camera 
and also go in every few minutes to make her drink a little water.
 It is so easy for them to get dehydrated. 
Thank you all for your prayers and for checking on us...
We love you ALL!!!

God bless and sweet Dreams!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... March 29

Quiet Time...

"even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, 
but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." 
Matthew 20:28 KJV
Up and At 'Em!

I managed to lay there an extra 26 minutes :-)

Waiting patiently... 

Today I will work on starts of tomatoes and peppers.

I am actually a few days late...

Flock and Fluffle and Fins Time...

Egg Hunt...

Fried Duck Eggs, Sausage and Toast...

Broken Record :-)

Tomato and Pepper Starts...

My perennial herbs are coming up!!


The work continues...

Countdown to Goat Time...

Paula washing her new Jeep...

It's the most beautiful BLUE!!!

I told her it matched her eyes :-)

Cleaned the hutches...

Took the Yuk Chuk out to the chicks...

no longer IN the garden, but outside it.

I have the garden closed to the chickens 

from now on thru summer...

It is time to start prepping for plants 

and these little composter would ruin it!

The Hospice Nurse came today...

Allison also came to see MeMaw...

I didn't get pictures of Kyra when she came Sunday :-(

I get all excited and forget my camera...

Ordered a pizza...

With nurses and visitors

 I just didn't want to cook :-)

Good excuse, right?

Dad telling Mom goodnight...

Chores are done.

We are in our Jammies...

Last night we watched

"Something the Lord Made"

It's a really good true story movie.

 About Doctors Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas....

Tonight we will watch "2012"

NOT a true story :-)

Mom was very agitated again tonight 

and I gave her an anxiety med...

Her vitals are low...

Keep her in your prayers.

She has up days and down...

One day at a time...

Goodnight, Sleep Tight


God Bless!!!


Friday on Walden's Mountain... February 21

Quiet Time Bible Study... 🧥❄️ “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your r...