Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... March 24

Quiet Time...

"And they that are Christ's 
have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." 
Galatians 5:24 KJV
After dinner last night Daddy went out on the porch 
and watched the chickens in the sunshine...

Maggie was enjoying Terminator Salvation...

Yea, we started the Terminator series last night.
We always watch the last one first because it is SO good :-)

And, it actually takes place before the first one in the time line...

The chickens go to bed with the sun.

they are going to bed later and later every day.

I cannot chase 17 chickens and 4 ducks around the yard 

to get them into the coop so I let them go in when they want to... 

that is at dusk.

I decided to sleep in about 30 minutes to make up 

for that time I have to stay up to wait for them.

It didn't work well today because my body clock 

wants to wake up earlier. I am still on Standard time 

so I start waking up at 2:30... 

Anyway, I am going to keep trying to stay in the bed longer.

 Maybe I will adjust. At least my body is still and resting...

I love Murphys little paws.

When I touch them he pulls them in.

SO cute!

Watered, uncovered, spoke sweetly to them...

They are fine...

Lanny prepping chicken thigh meat for the freeze dryer.

Flock, Fluffle and Fins...

Gave the bunnies some pellets and some alfalfa...

Lanny still prepping...

now with an audience!

Stir Fry Veggies out of the freeze dryer 

and ready to package...

Made the men Fried Duck Eggs, Sausage and Toast...

Lanny cleaning the kitchen trash cans...

He is a JEWEL!!


Getting my ducks in a row...


Maggie Mae...

Murphy Smurphy...



I made Ramen for lunch...

We had the Hospice Nurse visit.

She said Mom could go "active" at any time...

that means her time is near.

We will keep her comfortable and I will feed her 

and get as much water in her as I can.

Continue to lift her up...

and all of us.

I don't think Daddy is really fully aware of how close it is...

I made Mexican for Supper...

Chores are done.
Jammies are on.
Mom is sleeping and doesn't seem to be in any pain.
I go in regularly and try to get her to drink some water.
She doesn't even open her eyes and barely responds.

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless you ALL...
Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, we are earnestly keeping your Momma and Daddy, you and all your family lifted up in prayer.


Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... February 25

 Quiet Time in Bible Study... ☀️šŸ’› “But that is not the way you learned Christ!— assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in ...