Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... March 23

Quiet Time...

"Iron sharpeneth iron; 
So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." 
Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Rise and Shine!
It's supposed to be nice and warm today...
and SUNNY!!!

Daddy having his first (4 am) breakfast :-)

And Casey begging...

Had all three for our Bible Study Time...

Microgreen Time...

Into the Light!

Another day in Black Out for this one...

Second Day Germination...

Getting some Stir Fry Veggies ready for the Freeze Dryer.

The Raw Shrimp and Garlic Chicken turned out GREAT!

Flock, Fluffle AND Fins today...

One night egg in the nest...

And the usual Easter Egg Hunt!!

Lanny is prepping Avocado to deep freeze 

and go into the freeze dryer next...

I am prepping eggs for the freeze dryer.

They need to deep freeze for a couple of days

before they go into the freeze dryer.

One dozen eggs per tray...

In my trusty 20 plus 

year old Vita Mixer!

One dozen eggs fit into this mold 

and then pop out onto one freeze dryer tray...

Four dozen egg shells out to the chickens...

they recycle :-)

Sparkley Day...

AND Yuk Chuk Day!

Two in one box and one waiting!

Silly girls...

there are four empty nests in there!

First nice day in the last week or so

to open the sand box...

they LOVE it!

Lanny is putting latches on the hutches.

Now they won't blow off in a strong wind :-)

And I cleaned the hutches...

We had to move this inside the yard 

so that the goats won't use it to climb over into the herb garden.

I think I will put a Knock Out Rose in it...

The Camelia died for some reason ???

Lanny is going to be sure that our goats 

are as spoiled as our chickens!

This is going to be a terrific play ground for them!

And the chickens think the goat house is theirs!!

I would imagine that the goats will set them straight 

when they move in.

Mary Lou said mid April...

Made the men a Deli Chicken Sandwich for lunch...

While Lanny is spoiling the goats 

I cleaned the Koi Pond Filter...

Horrible job!!!

After fall and winter it is just black muck around the bio balls!

BUT.... when it is done the pressure is great 

and the water clears up fast and it's ready for spring!!!

One more spring chore checked off my list!

I took the Mule down the hill to take a picture 

of Paula and Shelly clearing the new pasture...

These are two HARD WORKING LADIES!!!

The horses are gonna LOVE it!!

Well Darn! I made a great dinner and didn't take a picture.

You will have to take my word for it...

it was Delish!

Pork Roast, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes and Steamed Broccoli...

Mom is a bit more alert today.

She has eaten 4 baby foods and is drinking a bit of water

every 15-20 minutes. Paula and I are tucking a pillow 

under alternating sides throughout the day 

to keep the pressure off the spine. 

She already has a bed sore there :-(

Continue to lift her up. As long as she remains pain free 

(except when we are turning her) 

and is relatively comfortable we feel it is a win!!

God is good!!

Last night we watched Dirty Dozen...

Every time we see it I have to laugh over the scene 

in Sleepless in Seattle... :-) 

Unless you have seen it, it won't make sense...

Not sure what is on the Big Screen tonight...

I will let you know tomorrow...

Goodnight Friends and Family!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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Saturday on Walden's Mountain... June 29

Quiet Time...   🌎🌿 “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him.” Deuteronomy 33:12 “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, fo...