Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... May 12

Quiet Time...

"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power 
to become the sons of God, 
even to them that believe on His name: 

John 1:12 KJV


Good morning!!

Dad got up around 5
and I was ready for him....
made him a couple Sausage Biscuits 
for his first breakfast... :-)

My little fur babies in their usual spots...

And my Human Honey in his spot...
for our Bible Study Hour...

Then Max showed up 
to put his Daddy's arm to sleep :-)
He doesn't really mind...
he LOVES this cat...
and the feeling is mutual!
He actually types one handed 
so he won't disturb that boy!

Casey jointed us this morning as well...
sometimes he just stays in his bed in our room...

Microgreen Time!
These two need another day in Black Out...

Another day of weight...

Day two germination...
I planted another two small trays today as well...

Out to the Flock, Fluffle, Friskies, Fins and Shells...
All should be up and about today...
the nights are not quite so cold...

Baby is enjoying some blackberry bush branches
Lanny brought in for them...

Made the Men an Egg, Cheese and Onion Omelet,
Sausage Patty and Toast for Second Breakfast...

OK, so this is the Worm Farm...
they are still adjusting and try to crawl out 
when I put the lid on
so I am leaving the lid off...
they don't like light so will crawl down instead of up...
they will get used to their new home...
especially when I am feeding them yummy scraps!

I ordered 500...
it will take about three months for them to double...
and the castings should be useable 
in about the same timeframe...

Cover the media, worms, and food with damp newspaper 
and they are in Worm Heaven!
I will add them to my gardens, give some to the chickens 
and ducks, use the castings for fertilizer...
VERY beneficial little creatures!

Pepper came out 
and did her frantic feed and drink frenzy...

Eggs still look good....
it should be today or tomorrow ...
only God knows for sure...

One duck egg in the corner...

One under the step...

She is still scurrying around...

Look what I caught in the big barn... 
I wouldn't mind him staying there 
but some of the other inhabitants of this compound 
don't feel the same way as I do about snakes.
Plus, I want him as far away from the coop area as possible...
so, I took him around to the other side 
of the big barn and let him go...
he can find plenty of rodents to dispose of there...
I like having him around...

He was a pretty one!

Working on the Pump and Filter...

They were leaning on me and closing their eyes
so I figure it's time for a little snack 
and time out for naps...

The chickens like the hot dirt 
to dust bathe in...

Fish Sticks, Mac and Tomatoes and Mixed Veggies
along with some Toasted Herb Bread,
Applesauce and Graham Crackers for Dessert...

Ten eggs today...

Tonight we will start the Bourne series...
there are five of them...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
We love and appreciate you all
and are so thankful for your prayers and support 
especially during these last months...

God bless you ALL...
Sweet Dreams!

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Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‚πŸ “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, ...