Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... May 13

Quiet Time...

"Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my God: Thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness." 

Psalm 143:10 KJV
Rise and Shine...

Waiting for Daddy to come sit with her...

Same old thing around here...

I LOVE it!

She likes to get a neck rub and ear pull...

Then Quiet Time...

they nap while we study...

Max is going to put his right arms to sleep today :-)

These two need one more day of Black Out...

This one needs another day or two under weights...

Out to the Barnyard Kids...

Ha! Literally :-)

First the Flock...

Two in the coop...
One later under the stairs...

Now Kid time...

They need to eat in peace.

The chickens LOVE their feed 

and I don't want them to have it...

So now, everyone is out enjoying the morning...

Even the turtles!

Lovely morning...



Sparkley Day...

Made the Men Fried Duck Eggs, Bacon and Toast...

Even the Goats like two chase after the Berries 

when I throw them out...

Dad and Lanny ran down to Home Depot after Breakfast 

to pick up some things...

when they came home the dogs were waiting...

I had been outside too, so they were pretty excited!

Sorting in the Pole Barn...

Paula is getting a "Junk Bee Gone" bin next weekend 

and a LOT of this stuff is going!

Made Daddy a Grilled Cheese for lunch...

Lanny ate outside so I made him two 

Peanut Butter and Jelly Rollups...

if you have never tried a PB&J on a tortilla 

you haven't lived!

We worked on the Pond and Filter system,

Lanny did some mowing AND some mower repairs...

the Baby Wrens are flying around all over his shop

(they have left the nest but Momma is still feeding them)...

And in the Big Barn Common Area there must be 

a dozen Wren families because there are Momma's 

and Babies flying all over the place in there...

it happens every year!

For Supper:
Baked Whiting, Green Beans and Potatoes, Corn and Beets...
Pudding and Graham Crackers for Dessert...
oh, and some Garlic Toast as well...

Nine Eggs today...
Sixty Seven for the Week!

Goats AND Chickies enjoying some veggie left overs!

So, tonight will be Bourne 2,
Bourne Supremacy...

Goodnight Family and Friends,
God bless
Sweet Dreams!

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