Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... May 11

Quiet Time...

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." 

Romans 12:2

Rise and Shine!

Murphy in his usual spot...

And these two in theirs...

The Pack!!!

Microgreen time...
Into the Light...

Another day in Black Out...

Sparkley Day...

Out to the Barnyard...
warmer weather...

Only one in the corner this morning...

Let the goats out a little early because we have to go down the hill in a little while...

A little later Anna laid one in the same corner...

And Elsa laid under the Steps...

Lanny getting his early morning cuddle from Willie...

Headed down to Summit for Dad's six month lab work...
His appointment was for 9 but there was paperwork 
so we went a tad early...

Then we went to SHONEY'S...
He and Momma always went to Shoney's after lab work 
so we took him today.
He had a great time and we all ate TOO much...


Milk was done in the Freeze Dryer...

Six packages of 3 cups each...
It is raw cows milk from my friend Jen...
She has the A2 milk cows and the milk is SO good...
even when I skim most of the cream off for other uses...

Pepper came out right after we got home....
Last night there was a ruckus in the coop and she was pecked until she was bleeding (her comb) but she still has four eggs so I am not sure what happened. 
She got into another nest 
and I moved her four eggs to her...
But then today she wanted back into the first nest 
so I moved all her eggs BACK to it...

We waited til Pepper finished her eating and drinking 
and then we
Headed down to the CoOp...

Passed the Camels...

And the Shetlands...

Layer feed, goat feed and sunflower seeds...

And this is my strong man 
after he loaded 150 pounds of grains and seeds...

Elsa's egg under the step...

And Anna's egg in the corner.

Look at this cool little gadget...
I can plant seed exactly spaced 
by using the colored holes.
I planted pintos and Contender Green Beans using this...

Pintos in a horseshoe shape. 
I don't do real rows ... 
it is my rendition of square foot gardening... :-)
Especially when our garden perimeter is free form...

So, Lanny and I were still SO full from that breakfast 
that we decided to skip lunch AND dinner 
and just do popcorn tonight.
I made Dad some Chicken Noodle Soup 
and he wants popcorn too :-)

We finished G.I.Joe last night...
Conspiracy Theory tonight
with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts...

We are LOVIN' these goats...
don't know how we survived without them 
all these years :-)
And hoping for chicks, 
although I am not real sure 
the other hens will let that happen...
we shall see...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you REAL GOOD
Sweet Dreams...

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Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 4

Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‚πŸ “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, ...