Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain... May 15

Quiet Time...

"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, 
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation 
in the knowledge of Him: 

Ephesians 1:17 KJV 


Good Morning!!!

I love this... 

Sorry, but you KNOW this is my favorite time of the day...

It is SO quiet, except in the spring, if we open the door, 

we can hear a gazillion frogs in the pond out there..
I LOVE that too!!!

Daddy is on his way Mitzi...

Microgreens are growing great!

I am ramping up slowly...

Out to the Barn Yard!

Didn't need a sweater today!

Three in the corner first thing...

It seemed like a LOT more that 1 1/2" of rains last night!!!

Paula gave me a cute dog paw rug 

that she didn't want anymore 

for my doggy door...

It had been for her doggy door 

so my doggys were VERY interested in the new rug!!!

Interesting NEW smells!

Lanny lost a screw...

Seriously, it was a nut and washer...

I helped him look for it 

and we did find the nut and one of the washers... :-)

Gave Dandy and Takoda a carrot...

Horses are SO beautiful, aren't they?

Bye Bye...

Made Dad and Lanny Scrambled Duck Eggs, 

Sausage and Toast...

Chopped up an apple for the Goats 

but the chickens would not hear of it...

they got right in there too...

The Goats do not care one bit...

Turtles are out and I gave them some apples too...

I need to make up their feed 

now that they are out for the duration...

I make up chopped veggies and fruits 

and if we can find slugs they LOVE it!

Sparkley Day...

I fed the men left overs for lunch (fish sticks, 

macaroni and tomatoes and mixed veggies) 

and then Lanny and I headed down the hill 

to get some plants... 

Rob and Molly gave me a $50 Home Depot Card 

for Mother's Day :-)


And two HUGE Tom Turkeys 

crossing the road in full display...

must have been some pretty girl turkeys on the other side,...

While we were out

 I checked on the Goats with the Goat Cam...

Baby was asleep with her head in the food bowl...


We bought a matching grape like Sadie gave me 

so we can make an arbor here in the back yard.;..

Two Heuchera, some Petunias...

Rosemary, Lavender, Creeping Jenny, 

Creeping Thyme and a couple other creeping things...

Spent nearly $100... 

what is this world coming to...

I think I will go out into the woods 

and grab some ferns and some other wild things...

it's getting way too expensive to buy them!!!

For our Supper

I added some Diced Tomatoes and Ground Beef 

to yesterdays "Something" 

and it was "Something Else Soup" :-)

And Delicious !!

Eleven Eggs today...

but two were from yesterday :-)

Either way, it all adds up in the end.

Another one of Peppers eggs was broken 

and even tho it was not a regular yolk, 

it was not a chick...

Something went wrong and I am not sure what to do.

I think tomorrow I will take them out 

and she will have no eggs to sit on.

If she doesn't come out I will do some suggested things 

to keep her out of the nest til she settles down.

We thought about getting some chicks for her

but if she didn't take care of them you know who would 

and I just don't have the time to do it right now...


Say a prayer for our Grandson Isaac...

he has been very sick and they are suspecting Crohns 

and possibly some other complications...

Also remember Tasha, our daughter in law... 

she had her regular heart biopsy this past week 

and is in rejection (she had the heart transplant)...

and a very serious unspoken request... God knows..


Tonight will be Bourne Legacy...

with Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz...

Goodnight Family and Friends...

God bless


Sweet Dreams!!

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