Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... May 14

Quiet Time...

"Strength and honour are her clothing; 

And she shall rejoice in time to come. 

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; 

And in her tongue is the law of kindness." 

Proverbs 31:25-26 KJV

Wake up Sleepy Head...

Dad got up about 4:15 and I was ready for him...

Made him a Breakfast Burrito as well...

Lanny wasn't up yet, but Mitzi was waiting patiently...

The Pack!

Not quite ready for some light...

probably tomorrow

These two are ready!

One day germination...

Out to the Barnyard!

Sugar caught a little snake...

honestly, I did not give it to her.

All the hens want it..

Rhoda finally took it away from her...

Feeding Frenzy...

The turtles are out to stay I think...

the nights aren't too cold for them now...

The Wisteria sure is pretty...

Lanny is anchoring the umbrella.
The wind is fierce up here on this hill and it throws the umbrella in the pond nearly every time it storms...
hopefully these foot long anchors will keep it upright.

Lanny had eaten a big bowl of cereal and didn't want breakfast...

I made Dad some French Toast Sticks...

Bucky doing his Cock of the Walk routine!

Goats ruminate (chew the cud) when they relax...
which they do often.

Freshening up the rocks around the pond...


Nebula AND Sugar...

A gorgeous Toad in my Garden!

Fixing me a Faucet out here by the pond and garden!
What a Man!!!

Pepper is still sitting...
It is Day 23 so I am thinking she might be sitting in vain...
They should have hatched by day 21....
I won't rush her but we may go grab some chicks 
at Tractor Supply to sneak under her 
and see if she will accept them...

She frantically feeds and takes a dust bath 
and runs all the hens away...

Harvested some Greens...

Roots to the Chickies...

We had Deli Chicken Sandwiches for lunch...

"Something" for supper...
Beef, Mixed Veggies, Rice, Taters, Corn...
It was DELISH!

Nine Eggs...
probably more but one of the other hens 
will NOT get out of the nest...
Perhaps another Broody!

It rained nearly three inches in a split second...
it is a FLOOD ZONE up here :-)
The ducks are snorkeling in the mud!

Sadie brought me the cutest 
home made gift for Mother's Day...

All my Chickens...
all named...
Mimi's Farm :-)

Well, day is done...
It was "different" doing Mother's Day
without my Momma...

Tonight we will watch the third Bourne...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
Hope all you Momma's out there 
had a fabulous Mother's Day...

God bless you ALL!!!
Sweet Dreams...


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