Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain... May 22

Quiet Time...

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, 
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" 

1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV 


Good Morning

Sleepy Heads!

Mitzi's neck and ear rub...

The usual crew, except for Max...
He was out all night 
and went straight into Mom's room for a snooze 
when he came in...
after he ate, of course...

Ready for some light...

Second day germination...

First day germination 
and there are a few already peeking out!!

Out to the Barnyard!!

I snuck out so they wouldn't hear me 
and got a picture of them in their sleep mode :-)
They are SO cute, and So entertaining...
I don't know how we ever got along without them!!

Fed and watered the bunnies...



And I let the Goats out after they had a bit of their own feed...
they should eat mostly hay 
and browse but they DO like the chicken scratch...
a little won't hurt them...

I LOVE watching the ducks...
they glide and then dive and fluff 
and preen and flap their wings 
like they are going to take off...
then start it all over again...
they are often very entertaining as well...
but not nearly as much as the Goats...
don't tell them tho...
they think they are the Upper Crust around here...

Egg shells...
give 'em back some of that calcium for all they give us!

Making Banana Bread...
it's that time...
getting ready for orders...

AND, Herb Bread...
two of the favorites!!!

Looking out the kitchen window...
it's hard to tell in a picture,
but the view is fabulous!!
I can see all my Babies!!!

Look at that BIG mouth!

Sucking in food like a whale sucks in krill!

Herb Bread ready for first rise... 

Fed Dad and Lanny Bacon, Egg 
and Cheese Omelets and Toast...

Banana Bread is done...
smelling up the house!

Nice First Rise!

In the warm oven for second rise...

And DONE!!!

Herb Bread smells up the house even more!!!


Lanny brought them up some new Pine branches 

and blackberry branches...

the thorns don't bother them a bit!

They LOVE 'EM!!

The ducks love to hang out under the Rabbit Hutches...

The Chickens do too...
it's cool under there this time of day...

What's for Dinner Maw?

Chicken over Buttered Garlic Egg Noodles and Mixed Veggies,
Microgreen Salad and Toasted Herb Bread!

Mowing again...
Never ending :-)

Ten Eggs today!

So, our day is over...
at least the work day is!

Last night we watched 
"Romancing the Stone"...
tonight will be
"Jewel of the Nile"
Two of our favorites!!

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless you ALL
real good!!

Sweet Dreams!

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