Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... May 21

Quiet Time...

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: 
not as the world giveth, give I unto you. 
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." 
John 14:27 KJV
Good Morning!

Dad got up at 5...

I was ready for him :-)

Had all but Max this morning...

You know the routine...

I water them all,

check for any signs of mold or other problems, 

decide if they are ready to go into Black Out

or come out of it...

and determine if there will be a harvest today...

probably tomorrow

and Wednesday for orders...

The Rooster is crowing 

and the Chickens are clucking 

and the Goats are bleating!!!

Time to head out back!

A little more than a half inch yesterday...

Two in the coop...

I think they are hiding them... 

the eggs have dwindled down the last two days...

But I still had 66 for the week...

Sparkley Time...

I always keep back a few blueberries for Opal...

she is blind in one eye and neurotic!! :-)

I throw the bulk out for all the chickens to run after 

and she knows I keep back a few for her 

so she can grab them on the sly... 

she is weird but smart in her own way :-)

Dad slept thru breakfast but I made Lanny an Egg RollUp...

When Dad got up around 9:30 

I made him some Cinnamon Toast...

The chickens get under the goats and eat all around them...

they are all completely at ease with each other!

I fed Dad a Deli Chicken Sandwich and Chips for lunch...

Lanny wanted a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich :-)


Pepper came out for her morning feeding and primping...

She has only five eggs now...

I don't know if she breaks them 

or if the other hens bother her when I am not looking...

I hung Sadies Mother's Day Gift 

on the panels out our "back door"...

the big barn entrance...

Planted another tray today...

two days in a row...

maybe I can catch up :-)

I worked out in the garden all afternoon 

and this time of year I sometimes get a little lazy about dinner...

I figure it's


I made a video yesterday of our mornings 

here on the homestead...

if you didn't catch it on facebook, here it is.

It's a bit over 20 minutes long 

but the music is nice 

and watching the critters is VERY relaxing!

Well, it's time to shut it down...

I am ready for Jammies and a movie...

not sure what Lanny has planned for tonight...

Forrest Gump was last night...

I really like that movie!!


Continue to pray for Isaac and Natasha...

Isaac had his colonoscopy and it is NOT Crohn's...

but he did have a large polyp and they will biopsy...

and continue to try to figure out what IS causing the problems...

And continue praying for our unspoken...


Goodnight Family and Friends...

We love you ALL...

God bless


Sweet Dreams!

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