Saturday, May 20, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... May 20

Quiet Time...

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; 
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, 
nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: 
for the former things are passed away." 
Revelation 21:4 KJV
Praise God!!
Rise and Shine...

Well, Dad had some trouble in his "new room"...

he buzzed me at 11:30 (I was in deep sleep 

so it took me a LONG time to go back to sleep afterwards... 

I hadn't heard that buzz since Momma went to heaven 

and it startled me...)...

anyway, the bed is the wrong direction, 

everything is oriented from the opposite side he is used to...

we will put him back into his own room today...

He got up around 4:30 for his early breakfast :-)

Our usual morning Pack Arrangement...

I am a bit behind on new trays...

I will regret that next week...

we are just having too much fun

 with new goats and broody hens...

I need to get my focus back :-)

Out to the FUN...

I mean, Barnyard :-)

OK, so I have been asked to go thru the names of our critters...

several of you just cannot keep it all straight...

HAHA! I often cannot either!!

...this is Violet...

This is Thumper...

...this is Blossom...

she may or may not be expecting...

hard to tell...

Fiona is the light brown
and Willie is the dark...

Elsa, the white duck...

Gabby the darker brown

and Penny the light brown...

Anna is laying an egg in the corner...

the only way to tell them apart
is that Anna's bill is just a tiny bit shorter than Elsa's...

This is Baby,

oh, and the tall one is Lanny,

my Honey :-)

The black hen is Coppertina,

the Sussex is Suzie...

This black hen is Nebula,

the gold one is Goldie

and the other Sussex is Sassy...



she is an old grumpy lady...

Barbara (the Barred Rock)

and Rhoda (the Rhode Island Red)


Penelope and Bucky the Rooster...

Playing King of the Mountain...

they keep knocking each other off...

they are SO CUTE to watch!

Susie again...

she is blind in one eye...



Angel is the only fish I have named so far...

the others swim too fast for me to name them :-)

Just a few of the plants we brought home...

Goats just gotta help!

My ducks are in a row!

They are watching Luke, the barn cat, stalk a wild rabbit...

I suppose they are cheering him on!

Wrestling in the chair...

King of the Mountain again...

whoever gets knocked off loses!

So, we have the three Goats: Fiona, Willie and Baby

four Ducks: Elsa, Anna, Gabby and Penny

one rooster: Bucky

and 15 hens:

Barbara, Roxanne, Rhoda, Sugar, Goldie, Buffy, Willow, Nebula,

 Mara, Coppertina, Opal, Susie, Sassy, Penelope, 

and Pepper (the broody Momma)

Hope that helps :-)

Harvested some Greens

and of course the trays go to the birds :-)

Dad was having TV trouble...

we have Dish... well, the rest of the family have Dish.

Lanny and I don't do TV so we just have our DVD player 

and occasionally stream something thru Prime or Apple TV...
Anyway, Paula is the expert and has to come over and fix it...

I know nothing about Dish!

I didn't feel like Cook Cooking tonight...
so I opened up a jar of homemade Sloppy Joe,
spooned it onto thawed left over hot dog buns, 
sprinkled shredded cheese on top and
baked a few minutes...


Not sure what to call it but they were good...

with Microgreen Salad, Chips and fresh sliced Onions...

Finished Left Behind last night...
Lanny has chosen Forrest Gump for tonight...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless
Sweet Dreams!

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