Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 20

Quiet Time...

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; 
knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 
Matthew 7:7 KJV
Good morning Friday!!

Got Dad's goodies together...
he got up just as I was getting ready to sit down :-)

Maggie and Murphy under the orange blanket...

Casey waiting for Dad to drop some of his Burrito...

Max wanted attention!!

Ready for some light...

Sparkley Day...

Out to the Barnyard...

Today, the chicks and ducks get the berries...

Dad was still asleep so I made Lanny a Breakfast Taco
and made Dad some Cinnamon Toast when he got up at 9:30...

Harvested a tray of greens...

And planted a new tray...

Also planted another lettuce tray...

I made Dad some lunch at 11 
and then Lanny and I headed out 
to make some deliveries and then go to Costco...

Costco was PACKED... 
we couldn't even find a parking place 
so we decided to just skip that...
I will order tomorrow from Instacart 
and let my personal shopper deal with the crowds :-)
We opted for lunch at Nick & J's instead...

Look at that HUGE burger!!!

The sky was lovely on our way home...

Changed my clothes and went out back 
to love on my babies for a few minutes...

Always have to give my Kids some Animal Crackers :-)

I was NOT hungry for dinner :-)
Lanny said he could eat a little...
so I made some Tomato Noodle Soup and 
Black Forest Ham Sandwich for the men...

Chores are done...
Kids are safe and secure
and the chickens and ducks 
are ready to put themselves to bed...

We will watch Australia tonight...
Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman...
Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 4

Quiet Time Bible Study... 🍂🍁 “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, ...